Since the day i started photography, I have been following hundreds of photographers, photo journalist and even models to learn more about this art. One thing that attracted me a lot was the beauty of streets and slums. No makeups, no additional lights or set ups, no planned poses, its just about natural beauty. The kids in those areas looks so simple but still have a strange light in their eyes, a vibe that can't be described , an energy that can't be explained. A viral picture of an afghan girl that was shared and tweeted all around the world was something that inspired me to move around and look for something similar , it felt like a test for me to know how better i am now at doing photography.
It wasn't about clicking a viral picture or getting famous but about how close i can 
get to the picture that inspired me , that too with the basic equipment i had.We went for a documentary shoot of an NGO in Delhi where i met these slum kids. The smiles, the vibe , the beauty , the innocence was so different from the people i live around. This girl had nothing extraordinary but her eyes but still one could see so much in them,   
 her eyes spoke a lot.


  1. Captured a beautiful emotions

  2. If I may, this is better than the iconic Afghan Girl by Steve McCurry.


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